Pink Wedding Flowers
Pink flowers range from pale Asiatic lilies to vibrant hot pink gerberas and create a feeling of peace and harmony. A wedding table centerpiece might mix pink stock, larkspur and lisianthus with hot pink and light pink roses.
White Wedding Flowers
White flowers are as pure and clean as a fresh snowfall. Use white roses for a winter wedding, or calla lilies at any time of year. White daisies are sweet in springtime, while white chrysanthemums and orchids can be used all year round.
Yellow Wedding Flowers
Yellow flowers are sunny and bright, and add a cheerful spirit to any celebration. Ask a florist to use yellow lilies, lemon-yellow snapdragons or brilliant yellow sunflowers in the floral designs for your summertime wedding.
Purple Wedding Flowers
Purple flowers are whimsical and unique. The rich purples of dahlias make a fanciful statement during a wedding ceremony, while pale mauve lilacs and lavender roses have an old-fashioned, artistic charm.